How to use Avishkaar App?

How to use Avishkaar App?

Avishkaar App

Avishkaar App is a mobile version of the Avishkaar Website. It is more powerful than ever and allows you to explore your profile, new projects, competitions, courses etc. It also allows you to wirelessly control your robots using a mobile controller based on the kit registered.
and Download

Register or Login on your App
  1. Run the app by clicking on the icon.
  2. Login or Sign-Up (Note: you can use the same credentials as on website if already registered)
  3. Go through guided learning or skip.
  4. Go to the settings and enter your Personal details.
Register your Kit
  1. Open Bio section
  2. Enter the kit code or Scan the QR code (skip this step if kit already shows up)
  3. Add kit and Save
Connect LITE/FULL2.0 BLE brain
  1. Go on Play icon
  2. Switch ON FULL/LITE 2.0 Brain.
  3. Click on Connect (make sure mobile Bluetooth is ON)
  4. Click on Let’s Play.
  5. You are all set to wirelessly control your robot.
The Controller screen opens up with the following defined areas. Explore as much as you want.
  1. To begin using Remote on Avishkaar App with LITE/FULL Brain 2.0, lets Configure it.
  2. Click on the Left Joypad Configure Button.
  3. Select the Button and alter the functions it must perform and Save as shown below.
  4. Similarly do for the Right Joypad also and Apply the settings.
  5. Finally you are all set to play with your customized controller.
For FULL2.0 BLE Brain

For LITE2.0 BLE Brain