How to test different sensors of Avishkaar Kit
Dear Students,
We often receive a query from students that how to test the sensors received in
the Avishkaar Kit. If you are a beginner then you can also get confused with
the functionality of different kind of sensors. So here in this article, we are
sharing few codes and the expected output of the sensors. With the codes below,
If you sensor is giving the same output as descried then your sensor is perfectly
We provide
five different kinds of sensors in our kits and they are:
IR Sensor :
Touch Sensor
Sound Sensor
Color Sensor
Ultrasonic Sensor
Testing IR
The IR sensor is basically a input device of any system. It's based on transition & receiving mechanism of infrared (Invisible) light. When the transmitted light hits the object nearby and bounced back to the receiver, It's gives us some input to the brain unit and on the basis of value received by sensor, the brain initiate the commands (according to the code uploaded to the brain unit).
The method to test the IR sensor is explained below with two different kinds of Avishkaar brain units i.e. LITE 2.0 BLE & FULL 2.0 BLE.
With LITE 2.0 BLE
In AMS, Please select the mode/hardware LITE 2.0 BLE and burn this code as shown below:
Expected Output:
Place an object in front of the sensor and observe as follows:
- LED 1 should be green when object being detected and red while no object is there.
- Buzzer should beep when object being detected.
With FULL 2.0 BLE
In AMS, Please select the mode/hardware FULL 2.0 BLE and burn this code as shown below:
Expected Output:
Place an object in front of the sensor and observe as follows:
- Value
displayed on the LCD screen should be 1024 in row 1.
- A
text “Detected” should get displayed on the Row 3.
Testing Touch
The touch sensor is also an input device of any system. When the button get pressed it send some input to the brain unit and on the basis of value received from touch sensor, the brain initiate the commands (according to the code uploaded to the brain unit).
With LITE 2.0 BLE
In AMS, Please select the mode/hardware LITE 2.0 BLE and burn this code as shown below:
With FULL 2.0 BLE
In AMS, Please select the mode/hardware FULL 2.0 BLE and burn this code as shown below:
Expected Output:
Press the button of sensor and observe as follows:
- Value
displayed on the LCD screen should be 1024 in row 1.
- A
text “Pressed” should get displayed on the Row 3.
Testing Sound
Sound Sensor is also an digital input device which detects the sound around and provide an input to the brain if the sound level detected is at a certain level or above then threshold.
With FULL 2.0 BLE
In AMS, Please select the mode/hardware FULL 2.0 BLE and burn this code as shown below:
Expected Output:
Make some loud sound near to the sensor and observe as follows:
- Value
displayed on the LCD screen should be 1024 in row 1.
- A
text “Detected” should get displayed on the Row 3.
Testing Ultrasonic
Ultrasonic sensor is mostly used to measure the distance of any object. it work by sending out a sound wave at a frequency above the range of human hearing. It has two transducers in which one acts as an transmitter & one as receiver. It releases the sound pulses and wait to receive an echo. on the basis of time taken by sound to travel it measure the distance of any object.
With FULL 2.0 BLE
In AMS, Please select the mode/hardware FULL 2.0 BLE and burn this code as shown below:

Expected Output:
Place an object in front of the sensor, move back & forth and observe as
- Value
displayed on the LCD screen should be changing with the movement of object in
row 1.
- A
text “Detected” should get displayed on the Row 3.
Testing Color
As name suggest, this sensor used to detect the color of any object. It emits light from it's emitter / LEDs and then detects the light reflected back from the object. That's why we need to place the object that much near to the sensor, from where it can receive the reflected lights to observe the color of an object.
With FULL 2.0 BLE
In AMS, Please select the mode/hardware FULL 2.0 BLE and burn this code as shown below:
Expected Output:
Place the objects of different colors in front of the color sensor and observe as follows:
- If
showed red color to the sensor then the output on screen should be ‘r’.
- Similarly
‘g’ for green, ‘b’ for blue, ‘y’ for yellow, ‘w’ for white, ‘x’ for black &
‘z’ for other colors apart from the mentioned color.
Note: The colors
should be placed closure to the sensor to let it detect and the used color
objects should be dark in their nature.
Thank you for reading the complete article. I hope it was helpful to you.