How to register your kit from the Avishkaar website ?

How to register your kit from the Avishkaar website ?

Register Your Kit

Register your kit to get access to learning content for your kit.

Visit and Sign In
  1. Open your Web Browser.
  2. Visit and Sign In at link -
  3. Go to the drop-down menu, located around the Username, and select My Avishkaar from the options.

Add your new Kit to your list
  1. On My Avishkaar page, select Bio from the options on top and Register your kit.
  2. Enter your Kit code (Ex: K_PRO_12345678*****), from the Support and Manufacturer’s Details section of the packaging.
  3. Click on Add to complete the process.

Note: If you get an error, take a screenshot of the error message and send it to