How to burn the program on the Maker Board?
- After writing your program in online AMS, give it a name, click on save and then click on compile.

If your code has no compilation errors - a .avx extension file will get downloaded.

- You
can burn this .avx file to your Maker Board using an offline tool
called AMS Burn Tool (ABT). You will need to download and install the
ABT on your laptop/PC. You can do so by clicking on this link and download the setup file based on your OS.

- After downloading and installing ABT, You can browse for your .avx file by clicking on browse in the ABT.

- After selecting your coding file, click on next and connect the makerboard to your PC using the provided MicroUSB cable.

- Then click on ‘Connect’ on your makerboard name and then click on next

- Finally, click on burn to burn your code onto your makerboard.

- You can choose to burn another program or close the ABT once the code is successfully burnt.

- If
you face any issues, you can reach out to us through the live chat
option on our website. You can also call/mail us at support using these
credentials - +91-8506931515/