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    • "Error Occurred" - Full 2.0 Brain & Full 2.0 BLE

      Hello Innovators, If you experiencing issue with Full 2.0 brain and the message displays as "Error Occurred" similar to the message below : - It's probably because have burnt a wrong code or an incomplete code. Don't worry just burn a correct program ...
    • How to connect makerboard 2.0 to Avishkaar App?

      Makerboard2.0 is popular among makers and hobbyists. It is widely used for building DIY projects and learning electronics and programming. One of the most useful features of Makerboard is its Bluetooth connectivity, which allows you to communicate ...
    • How to use remote control feature on the Smartphone - "Avishkaar app"

      Avishkaar app is powerful than ever, it allows you to do many different things such as - managing profile, managing projects, competitions, and enabling remote control etc. Here we're going to discuss of about one of the great feature of how you can ...
    • missing a part in the Abot kit?

      50+ parts including metal parts, programmable brain, motors, wheels, USB cable, nuts & bolts, allen key, spanner, cables & manual, 9 volt battery. If you think any part is missing in your kit you are requested to email us at support@avishkaar.cc ...
    • How to access the free tutorial videos?

      Begin your learning on the Let's Avishkaar Platform. Open your web browser, visit and Sign-In through the link - https://www.avishkaar.cc Go to the drop-down menu, located around the username and select My Profile from the options. On the My Profile ...